This form is for new reservation requests ONLY.

To reschedule an existing field trip reservation, email the Sales team at

Before you complete this form, you will need to make sure you have the following information:

  • Total number of students
  • Total number of teachers
  • Total number of students with special needs who will be accompanied by IEP-mandated 1:1 assistants
  • Total number of parents/guardians
  • Total number of non-student children (e.g., siblings of students in the class)

Let’s get started!

Step 1:

Read carefully the Zoo’s field trip policies (required), and determine if your group is eligible for the grant-funded free field trip program.

Step 2:

Check the calendar below to see if your preferred date is available. NOTE: A minimum of 72 hours’ notice is needed for new field trip reservations. Dates in red are already full or are otherwise unavailable for field trips. Dates in light gray have open availability.

YELLOW = Spaces Running Low
RED = Spaces Not Available

Step 3:

Complete the Reservation Request Form below. NOTE: Missing or incomplete information will delay processing.

Please allow at least 72 hours for processing. If you do not, within 72 hours of submitting your request, receive either:

A) a confirmation email with an entry pass attached

B) a followup email letting you know of an issue with processing your field trip

Please email for assistance.

    What field trip date are you requesting?

    Please note: Non-public Maryland schools are eligible for the free field trip program from September 3 through February 24 only. If you are a homeschool, please fill out the homeschool field trip request form. For a visit outside of this date range, please visit our Group Reservations page.

    First Date Choice
    Second Date Choice
    What time would you like to enter the Zoo?
    Tell us about you and your school!
    Your First Name
    Your Last Name
    Daytime Phone
    Full School Name (Please do not abbreviate!)

    Is the school Title I?

    School Street Address
    Zip Code
    Please enter your daycare license number (Required for grant-funding purposes)
    Daycare License Number*

    Note: If you are a homeschool, you will be asked to supply documentation that verifies your status (e.g., a letter from the local school system, an umbrella card).

    Step 4: Tell us about your group!

    Grade Level (check all that apply)

    Estimated field trip fees will be based on the attendance numbers you provide below. You will only be charged (if applicable), however, on the day of your visit for your actual attendance.

    We will calculate your required number of chaperones by dividing the number of students by eight (8). These required adults—whether they are teachers, parents/guardians, or other school staff—are admitted free. All other adults beyond the 8-to-1 ratio who wish to visit the Zoo along with a field trip will be offered a group sales admission rate. To receive this discounted rate, however, they must enter with the group and be accounted for on your Entry Pass. Group members not entering with the group will need to pay full price at the Zoo entrance.

    How many students?

    Number of Students

    How many of these students have disabilities?
    This information is being requested for grant reporting purposes.

    Number of Students With Disabilities

    How many teachers/classroom assistants?

    Number of Teachers/Classroom Assistants

    How many IEP-mandated 1:1 assistants will be supporting students with disabilities?
    These supporting adults are admitted free. This category refers to official school employees supporting a student with disabilities as specified in the student’s IEP. It does NOT apply to classroom or preschool assistants.

    Number of IEP-mandated 1:1 assistants

    Number of other adults? (e.g., parents/guardians)

    Number of Other Adults

    Number of non-student children? (Age 2 and up; children not in the visiting class)

    Number of Non-student Children

    Who will be the contact person on the day of your field trip (if different from above)?

    First Name
    Last Name
    Please select which curriculum area(s) your field trip visit will focus on.

    The Zoo’s free field trip program is funded by a grant from the Maryland State Department of Education to support curriculum-focused field trips for school groups.

    How will your group be arriving to the Zoo?
    Would you like to receive our Education Insider newsletter?

    Please agree to the following:

    Review Field Trip Policies.